31 October 2008

MASH has my life planned out quite nicely

Ah, the good ol' days of my youth. I was getting ready this morning and randomly thought of subject matter for this here blog post: MASH. You know, mansion/apartment/shack/house? The game where I never wanted to end up marrying George Tallman, living in a shack, driving a neon green Geo Metro with ten kids. The only difference now is, you can play online!

I've posted the before picture (sorry, I forgot to screen capture until after the counter started- I was just way too damn excited!) and the after. Let me tell you: this is fantasy life at its greatest!


I will marry Edward Norton any day. And to live in a nice apartment in Chicago, with three kids (okay, so that might be a little too many, but it doesn't even matter at this point!), an eco-friendly Mazda 3 (Ed would love that. And I'm sure he wouldn't mind me calling him Ed because we are destined to be married and nicknames are acceptable), and I get to be a bartender. Fun times are ahead! ...And you're very welcome for posting the link to the greatest game of all time.

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